Your Membership includes:
FREE high speed internet access for life from General
Receive 50% off on thousands of famous-name hotels
Earn 20% cash back at fine restaraunts when you dine
Major savings at many of the country's major theme parks and attractions
Rental car discounts and savings on auto repair and products
Never pay retail for movie rentals or tickets again.
Save up to $200 on most major airlines.
Savings on all types of health products and services
Get the lowest prices on over 275,000 brand-name products, guaranteed.

Yes! I would like to receive my 2 FREE Airline Tickets and enroll in Imperial Holiday Travel Agency I.D. Card Program for the next 30 days for only $1.00 shipping and handling and start to enjoy the benefits and savings.

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(Offer available for US Residents Only)
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Credit Card Information *
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Please enter your Birthdate for verification Purposes
Birth Date:        
I accept the terms of my membership
Please submit my order.
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Terms of Membership
There is no purchase required and no obligation to buy anything with the exception of your hotel stay. You’ll receive everything you need to reserve your airline tickets, confirm your reservations, and select your dates by filling out the order form above. Imperial Holidays saves you up to 50% on hotels, cruises, rental cars, and much, much more including FREE Internet Service. The best part is you'll have your own photo ready Travel Agency I.D. card and it's all FREE FOR 30 DAYS. There’s no obligation, and SATISFACTION IS 100% GUARANTEED!
   Enjoy the savings for 30 days and if you decide to become a member you do nothing, you’ll be automatically enrolled. If within 30 days, you decide that you do not want to become a member just call us and you will OWE US NOTHING beyond the $1.00 Shipping and Handling. After the 30-day trial period, you pay just $8 per month to be a member, billed annually in advance (only $96 a year!). There is no risk, no obligation, and you have our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.

To find out more about what this membership has to offer CLICK HERE. All you have to do is to fill out the form and select the accept button, and you’ll receive your 2 FREE AIRLINE TICKETS and the 30-DAY FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP in about 2 weeks.
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